Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Chinese Gospel Choir 1st Performance

Praise God | Inspirational Music "Chinese Gospel Choir 1st Performance"


The people of God, filled with joy, declare to the entire universe with high and resonant singing: The Lord Jesus has already returned, and He is Almighty God, Christ of the last days. He comes to earth to reign and rule, lead and shepherd the people of God, so that all people can hear His voice and behold His deeds personally. When God’s six-thousand-year management plan is completed, He will have destroyed Satan’s kingdom and made a group of overcomers. Henceforth, in the world there won’t be filth, unrighteousness, disobedience, or resistance any more. Everything will be restored to what it was at the creation. This is the scene of “the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from heaven.”

1. The Kingdom Anthem I -The Kingdom Has Descended in the World
All the people are shouting joyfully to God; all the people are praising God;
all tongues are confessing the only true God.
The kingdom has descended in the world.
All the people are shouting joyfully to God; all the people are praising God;
all tongues are confessing the only true God;
all men are lifting up their eyes, watching God’s deeds.
The kingdom has descended in the world,
and God’s person is full and bountiful, full and bountiful.
Who does not rejoice over this (Who does not rejoice over this)?
Who does not dance with joy for this (Who does not dance with joy for this)?
O Zion (O Zion)! O Zion (O Zion)!
Raise your banner of triumph to celebrate for God!
Sing your victorious songs of triumph to proclaim God’s holy name!
O all things of the ends of the earth! Cleanse yourselves completely right away
to offer sacrifices to God, offer sacrifices to God!
O stars of heaven! Return immediately to your original places
to display God’s mighty power in the expanse!
God is listening carefully to the voices of the people on earth;
their singing is saturated with infinite respect and love for God!
Just on the day all things are revived,
God comes to the world personally, comes to the world personally.
Just at this moment, the flowers are in full bloom,
the birds are chorusing, and all things are jubilating!
The flowers are in full bloom, the birds are chorusing, and all things are jubilating!
At this moment, Satan’s kingdom falls at the sound of the salute of the kingdom,
and is destroyed at the reverberations of the kingdom anthem,
never to rise again!
Who among the people on earth dare rise to resist?
For God has descended to the earth,
and then God has brought down burning, wrath, and all disasters, all disasters.
The kingdom of the world has become, has become God’s kingdom!
In heaven, the white clouds are rolling and billowing;
under heaven (under heaven), under heaven (under heaven),
the water of lakes and rivers is tossing and surging,
merrily playing a touching dance.
The animals at roost come out from their caves;
all peoples in their sleep are awoken by God.
The day that all peoples wait for has finally come, has finally come!
They offer up the sweetest songs, the sweetest songs to God, to God, to God!
from “The Kingdom Anthem” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh
2. The Kingdom Anthem II-God Has Come God Has Reigned
At this happy moment, at this exciting time,
all in heaven and under heaven are praising, are praising.
Who is not excited about this? Who is not joyful for this?
Who does not shed tears in this situation? Who does not shed tears in this situation?
Ay … ay….
The heaven is no longer the former heaven;
it is already the heaven of the kingdom.
The earth is no longer the former earth, but it is a holy earth.
After a heavy rain, the filthy old world has been completely renewed.
After a heavy rain, the filthy old world has been completely renewed.
Mountains are changing … waters are changing….
People are also changing … all things are changing….
O silent mountains, rise to dance joyfully for God!
O still waters, flow!
O people in dreams, rise to catch up, rise to catch up!
Ay … ay….
God has come … God has reigned….
God has come … God has reigned….
People will see God’s face with their own eyes,
hear God’s voice with their own ears,
and experience the life in the kingdom personally….
How sweet … how wonderful….
How sweet … how wonderful….
Unforgettable … unforgettable….
In God’s wrathful burning, the great red dragon is struggling;
in God’s majestic judgment, the devil shows its true image;
under God’s stern words, stern words,
all people feel ashamed of themselves, having no place to hide themselves.
Think back to the past: They jeered and sneered at God,
exhibited themselves all the time, and disobeyed God all the time.
Then look at today: Who does not shed tears?
Who does not reproach himself? Who does not reproach himself?
The whole universe is full of weeping … full of cheers … and full of laughter….
Incomparably enjoyable … incomparably enjoyable….
The light rain is pattering … the heavy snow is swirling….
All people are in joy and sorrow, in joy and sorrow….
Some are laughing … some are sobbing … some are cheering….
It seems all people forget … whether it is the rainy spring,
ay … ay …
the blossomy summer, the abundant autumn, or the icy winter;
no one knows….
The cloud of the sky is floating; the seawater of the earth is boiling.
All the sons are dancing … all the people are leaping….
The angels are working … the angels are shepherding….
The people on earth are all busying; the things on earth are all increasing.
The people on earth are all busying; the things on earth are all increasing.
from “The Kingdom Anthem” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

3. The Kingdom Anthem III-All the People Rejoice
In God’s light, people have all seen the light again;
in God’s word, people have all received the enjoyable things.
God is from the East and comes forth from the East.
When God’s glory shines forth,
all the nations are shone upon and everything is lit up,
without anything being left in the darkness.
In the kingdom, the life of the people and God is perfectly pleasant.
Waters are dancing with joy for the happy life of all the people,
and all the mountains are enjoying the riches from God
together with all the people.
All men are striving to make progress and working hard,
being faithful in God’s kingdom.
In the kingdom, there is no more disobedience or resistance.
The heaven and the earth accompany and rely on each other;
men and God have deep affection for each other,
on sweet terms in life, leaning close to each other….
At this time, God formally, God formally begins His life in heaven;
there is no more disturbance from Satan, and all the people enter into rest.
In the entire universe,
God’s chosen people live in God’s glory, happy beyond measure,
which is not a life of man and man, but a life of the people and God.
All men went through Satan’s corruptions
and tasted all the joys and sorrows of the world.
Today, living in God’s light, how can they not rejoice?
How will they let such a wonderful time slip by?
All the people! Sing the songs in your heart and dance joyfully for God!
Lift your sincere heart, lift your sincere heart and offer it to God!
Make joyful music with tambourines for God!
God expresses His joy above the entire universe!
God shows His glorious face among all the people!
God will shout aloud! God will transcend the entire universe!
God has reigned among all the people! God is exalted among all the people!
God is roaming in the blue sky, all the people traveling with God;
God is walking among all the people, His people surrounding Him!
The hearts of all the people are very delighted,
and their loud singing shakes the entire universe and rends the skies!
In the entire universe, there is no longer the covering of fog,
and there is no more sludge left or turbid water gathering and flowing!
The holy people in the entire universe!
They show their original appearance in God’s inspection,
no longer, no longer being the ones filthy, filthy all over
but the holy ones white as jade,
who are all God’s beloved ones and God’s favored ones!
All things are revived.
All the holy ones serve God in heaven again, nestling in God’s warm bosom,
no longer weeping, no longer worrying.
They consecrate themselves to God, and return to God’s home, return to God’s home,
loving God in their homeland without end!
This will never change! This will never change!
No more sorrow! No more weeping! No more flesh!
The earth no longer exists, but the heaven will remain forever.
God appears to all people, and all people praise God.
Such a life and such a beautiful scene
will never again change from everlasting to everlasting.
This is the life in the kingdom. This is the life in the kingdom.
This is the life in the kingdom.
from “The Kingdom Anthem” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

4. Come to Zion with Praising
Come to Zion with praising. God’s dwelling place has appeared.
The glorious holy name is praised by all peoples and is being spread.
O! Almighty God!
The Head of the universe, the last Christ, is the shining sun,
and has risen on the majestic and grand Mount Zion in the entire universe….
Almighty God! We are shouting for joy to You, and we are dancing and singing.
You are truly our Redeemer, the great King of the universe!
You have made a group of overcomers,
and accomplished God’s management plan.
All peoples will stream to this mountain,
and all peoples will bow down before the throne!
You are the one and only true God. You are worthy to receive glory and honor.
All the glory and praise and authority be to the throne!
From the throne flows out the spring of life,
watering and feeding all God’s people.
We have transformation in our life every day.
New light and inspiration accompany us,
and we have new seeing about God constantly.
We are certain about God in our experience.
God’s word appears constantly, appearing in the right ones.
We are really so blessed!
We are face to face with God every day,
have fellowship with God in everything,
and let God be the sovereign over everything.
Ponder God’s word carefully and quiet our heart in God;
thus we come before God and receive illumination before God,
in our life, behavior, speech, mind, and thought every day
we are living in God’s word,
and we can have discernment at any moment.
God’s word is threading a needle;
the things hidden within us pop up in succession.
Fellowship with God brooks no delay.
Our minds and thoughts are exposed by God.
At every moment we live before Christ’s seat,
experiencing the judgment before Christ’s seat,
experiencing the judgment before Christ’s seat.
Each domain of our body is still occupied by Satan.
Today to recover God’s reign, we must have God’s temple cleansed.
To be completely occupied by God, we have to go through a life-and-death war.
Only if our old self is nailed to the cross
can the resurrected life of Christ be our sovereign.
Now the Holy Spirit is charging at all corners in us, waging a regaining war!
As long as we are ready to deny ourselves, ready to deny ourselves
and willing to cooperate with God,
God will illuminate us and cleanse our inside at any moment,
regaining what Satan has occupied,
so that we can be made complete by God as soon as possible.
Waste no time, live in God’s word at all times,
and be built up with all the saints,
being brought into the kingdom and entering into glory with God.
from “The First Utterance” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Recommendation:Eastern Lightning, The origin of the Church of Almighty God

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