Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2019

Kids Dance | Christian Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Kids Dance | Christian Worship Song "Such Joy in Church Life" | Hallelujah! Praise and Thank God

Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God.
Eat and drink His words, it’s such a joy.
God cares not how deep we see the truth, He’s pleased by our true words.
We share experience, what we’ve learned,
support each other, go forward hand in hand.
We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves,
see our corruption, our flaws.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

God's Wrd "It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition"

God's Word "It Is Very Important to Understand God’s Disposition"

Almighty God says, "If you do not understand the disposition of God, then it will be impossible for you to do the work you should do for Him. If you do not know the substance of God, so too shall it be impossible to retain reverence and fear of Him, only heedless perfunctoriness and prevarication, and moreover, incorrigible blasphemy. Understanding God’s disposition is indeed very important, and the knowledge of God’s substance cannot be overlooked, yet none have ever thoroughly examined or delved into this issue.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Word of God | "Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life"

The Word of God | "Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life"

Almighty God says, "Those who have been perfected are not just able to achieve obedience after being conquered, but they are also able to have knowledge of the work of judgment, change their disposition, and know God. They experience the path of loving God and are filled with the truth. They know how to experience God’s work, are able to suffer for God, and have their own wills.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gospel Music | Worship God Forever | "The Sky Here Is So Blue"

Gospel Music | Worship God Forever | "The Sky Here Is So Blue"

Ay … here is a sky,
oh … a sky that is so different!
An exquisite fragrance is suffused all over the land, and the air is clean.
Almighty God became flesh and lives amongst us,
expressing the truth and beginning the judgment of the last days.
God’s words lay bare the truth of our corruption,
we are cleansed and perfected by every kind of trial and refinement.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Part One)

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Part One)

Almighty God says, "God became flesh because the object of His work is not the spirit of Satan, or any incorporeal thing, but man, who is of the flesh and has been corrupted by Satan. It is precisely because the flesh of man has been corrupted that God has made fleshly man the object of His work; moreover, because man is the object of corruption, He has made man the only object of His work throughout all the stages of His salvation work.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Part Two)

The Word of God | "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" (Part Two)

Almighty God says, "The best thing about His work in the flesh is that He can leave accurate words and exhortations, and His accurate will for mankind to those who follow Him, so that afterward His followers can more accurately and more concretely pass on all of His work in the flesh and His will for the whole of mankind to those who accept this way.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 3)

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 3)

Almighty God says, "Because people do not recognize God’s orchestrations and God’s sovereignty, they always face fate defiantly, with a rebellious attitude, and always want to cast off God’s authority and sovereignty and the things fate has in store, hoping in vain to change their current circumstances and alter their fate. But they can never succeed; they are thwarted at every turn.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

2019 Gospel Movie | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | The True Story of Chinese Christians

2019 Gospel Movie | "Faith in God 2 – After the Church Falls" | The True Story of Chinese Christians

Yu Congguang is an evangelist who makes a dangerous escape from a CCP mass arrest. Afterward, he makes his way to the home of Three-Self Patriotic Movement Christian Chen Song'en. Chen Song'en's Three-Self Patriotic Movement church is demolished by the CCP, and some in the church, after listening to the teachings of their pastors and elders, pray for the CCP regime, believing that by doing so, they are keeping the words of the Lord Jesus, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Word of God | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word" (Excerpt 1)

The Word of God | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the method of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different perspectives, enabling man to truly see God, who is the Word appearing in the flesh, and His wisdom and wondrousness.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Word of God | "Three Admonitions" | How to Be a Loyal Servant of God

The Word of God | "Three Admonitions" | How to Be a Loyal Servant of God

Almighty God says, "As a believer in God, you should be loyal to none other than Him in all things and be able to conform with His will in all things. Nevertheless, although everyone understands this doctrine, these truths that are most apparent and basic, as far as man is concerned, cannot fully be seen in him, thanks to his sundry afflictions, such as ignorance, absurdity, and corruption.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 4)

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 4)

Almighty God says, "God's authority exists regardless of the circumstances; in all situations, God dictates and arranges every human fate and all things in accordance with His thoughts, His wishes. This will not change because humans change, and it is independent of man's will, cannot be altered by any changes in time, space, and geography, for God's authority is His very substance.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique VI: God's Holiness (III)" (Excerpt 1)

The Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique VI: God's Holiness (III)" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "Satan uses fame and gain to control man's thoughts until all they can think of is fame and gain. They struggle for fame and gain, suffer hardships for fame and gain, endure humiliation for fame and gain, sacrifice everything they have for fame and gain, and they will make any judgment or decision for fame and gain. In this way, Satan binds man with invisible shackles. These shackles are borne on people, and they have not the strength nor courage to throw them off.

Friday, July 19, 2019

When You See the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth (Excerpt 1)

When You See the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "Those who did not know the Messiah were all capable of opposing Jesus, of rejecting Jesus, of slandering Him. People who do not understand Jesus are all capable of denying Him, and reviling Him. Moreover, they are capable of seeing the return of Jesus as the deceit of Satan, and more people shall condemn Jesus returned to flesh. Does not all of this make you afraid?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Word of God | "You Should Seek the Way of Compatibility With Christ" (Excerpt 1)

The Word of God | "You Should Seek the Way of Compatibility With Christ" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "People, who have been corrupted, all live in Satan's trap, they live in the flesh, live in selfish desires, and there is not a single one among them who is compatible with Me. There are those who say that they are compatible with Me, but who all worship vague idols. Although they acknowledge My name as holy, they tread a path that runs contrary to Me, and their words are full of arrogance and self-confidence, because, at root, they are all against Me, and incompatible with Me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

God's Word | "God Himself, the Unique VII" (Part 2) - "God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)"

God's Word | "God Himself, the Unique VII" (Part 2) - "God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)"

Almighty God says, "God is the Master of the rules that control the universe, He controls the rules that govern the survival of all things, and He also controls the universe and all things such that they can live together; He makes it so they do not go extinct or disappear so that mankind may continue to exist, man can live in such an environment through God's leadership.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

"What a Beautiful Voice" (1) - How Do the Prophecies of the Lord Jesus' Return Come True

"What a Beautiful Voice" (1) - How Do the Prophecies of the Lord Jesus' Return Come True

Many people in religious circles adhere to the prophecy that the Lord will descend riding on a cloud and they are waiting for Him to come that way to rapture them into the kingdom of heaven, but overlooking the Lord's prophecies of coming in secret: "Behold, I come as a thief" (Revelation 16:15). "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6).

Monday, July 15, 2019

Praise and Bless God | The Kingdom Life Is Wonderful | Praise Dance "Dance Around the Throne"

Praise and Bless God | The Kingdom Life Is Wonderful | Praise Dance "Dance Around the Throne"

Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has come to the world personally. He uses the word to renew and change all things and thus brings the wonderful life in the kingdom to mankind. God’s people have returned before God and are revived again. They sing and dance joyfully around God’s throne, praising God for His gaining glory.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Word of God | "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Excerpt 2)

The Word of God | "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Excerpt 2)

Almighty God says, "God's saving of man is not done directly using the method of the Spirit and the identity of the Spirit, for His Spirit can neither be touched nor seen by man, neither can man draw near. If He tried to save man directly using the perspective of the Spirit, man would be unable to receive His salvation. If God did not put on the outward form of a created man, there would be no way for man to receive this salvation.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Love God Forever | Praise Dance "God's True Love"

Love God Forever | Praise Dance "God's True Love"

Today I come before God again, and see His lovely face.

La la la la la la.

Today I come before God again, and say goodbye to my drifting past.


Today I come before God again; enjoying God’s words fills my heart with unparalleled sweetness.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Mighty To Save | “During the Last Days, God Principally Uses the Word to Accomplish All”

Mighty To Save | “During the Last Days, God Principally Uses the Word to Accomplish All”

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed a variety of truths. He leads the whole of mankind with the word, which accomplishes the actual significance of the Word appearing in the flesh. From Almighty God’s word, people come to know God’s work, God’s disposition, and what God has and is, see God’s supremacy, wisdom, and almightiness, and also understand God’s kind intention for man’s salvation.In the end, God’s word will show authority and let all people see that “God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever,” and that God’s word accomplishes everything!