Sunday, July 21, 2019

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 4)

Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique III: God's Authority (II)" (Excerpt 4)

Almighty God says, "God's authority exists regardless of the circumstances; in all situations, God dictates and arranges every human fate and all things in accordance with His thoughts, His wishes. This will not change because humans change, and it is independent of man's will, cannot be altered by any changes in time, space, and geography, for God's authority is His very substance.
Whether man is able to know and accept God's sovereignty, and whether man is able to submit to it, does not in the slightest way change the fact of God's sovereignty over human fate. That is to say, no matter what attitude man takes toward God's sovereignty, it simply cannot change the fact that God holds sovereignty over human fate and over all things. Even if you do not submit to God's sovereignty, He still commands your fate; even if you cannot know His sovereignty, His authority still exists. God's authority and the fact of God's sovereignty over human fate are independent of human will, do not change in accordance with man's preferences and choices. God's authority is everywhere, at every hour, at every instant. If heaven and earth were to pass away, His authority would never pass away, for He is God Himself, He possesses the unique authority, and His authority is not restricted or limited by people, events, or things, by space or by geography. At all times God wields His authority, shows His might, continues His management work as always; at all times He rules all things, provides for all things, orchestrates all things, just as He always did. No one can change this. It is fact; it has been the unchanging truth since time immemorial!" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

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