Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Word of God | "You Should Seek the Way of Compatibility With Christ" (Excerpt 1)

The Word of God | "You Should Seek the Way of Compatibility With Christ" (Excerpt 1)

Almighty God says, "People, who have been corrupted, all live in Satan's trap, they live in the flesh, live in selfish desires, and there is not a single one among them who is compatible with Me. There are those who say that they are compatible with Me, but who all worship vague idols. Although they acknowledge My name as holy, they tread a path that runs contrary to Me, and their words are full of arrogance and self-confidence, because, at root, they are all against Me, and incompatible with Me.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?

The Church of Almighty God — Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?

Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life.

Monday, March 11, 2019

God’s Words - 64. We feel that all of God’s words are in the Bible and that anything outside of the Bible does not contain God’s revelations or words. Why is this type of statement wrong?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God
God’s Words - 64. We feel that all of God’s words are in the Bible and that anything outside of the Bible does not contain God’s revelations or words. Why is this type of statement wrong?

Bible Reference:

    “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen” (Jhn 21:25).

Sunday, March 10, 2019

God's Word - 63. The Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, then why do you say that the Bible isn’t fully the words of God?

God's Word - 63. The Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, then why do you say that the Bible isn’t fully the words of God?

The Answer from God’s Word:

Not everything in the Bible is a record of the words personally spoken by God. The Bible simply documents the previous two stages of God’s work, of which one part is a record of the foretellings of the prophets, and one part is the experiences and knowledge written by people used by God throughout the ages. Human experiences are tainted with human opinions and knowledge, which is unavoidable. In many of the books of the Bible are human conceptions, human biases, and human absurd interpretations.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Gospel Q&A - 61. In one’s faith in God one must not stray from the Bible; anything straying from the Bible is fake and heretical. Is this tenable?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God
Gospel Q&A - 61. In one’s faith in God one must not stray from the Bible; anything straying from the Bible is fake and heretical. Is this tenable?

Bible Reference:

     “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40).

Thursday, March 7, 2019

60. Some people believe that faith in God must be based on the Bible, but can Bible-based faith really achieve salvation?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God
60. Some people believe that faith in God must be based on the Bible, but can Bible-based faith really achieve salvation?

Bible Reference:

    “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40).

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Believe In God - 59. Many people believe that believing in God means never straying from the Bible and that straying from the Bible means betraying God. Is this kind of view correct?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, believe in God
Believe In God - 59. Many people believe that believing in God means never straying from the Bible and that straying from the Bible means betraying God. Is this kind of view correct?

The Answer from God’s Word:

     The Jewish Pharisees used the law of Moses to condemn Jesus. They did not seek compatibility with the Jesus of that time, but diligently followed the law to the letter, to the extent that they ultimately nailed the innocent Jesus to the cross, having charged Him with not following the law of the Old Testament and not being the Messiah. What was their essence? Was it not that they didn’t seek the way of compatibility with the truth?

Monday, March 4, 2019

Know God - 57. What exactly is the relationship between God’s work and the Bible? Did God’s work come first or did the Bible come first?

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, Know God
Know God - 57. What exactly is the relationship between God’s work and the Bible? Did God’s work come first or did the Bible come first?

The Answer from God’s Word:

     It is nothing more than a historical record of God’s work, and a testament to the previous two stages of God’s work, and offers you no understanding of the aims of God’s work. Everyone who has read the Bible knows that it documents the two stages of God’s work during the Age of Law and the Age of Grace. The Old Testament chronicles the history of Israel and Jehovah’s work from the time of creation until the end of the Age of Law.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Know God - 56. Why do people always use the Bible to define God? Why is it wrong if one constrains God within the Bible?

Know God56. Why do people always use the Bible to define God? Why is it wrong if one constrains God within the Bible?

The Answer from God’s Word:

This is because the Bible followed several thousand years of human history and people all treat it like God to the point that people in the last days replace God with the Bible. This is something that God really hates. So in His spare time, He had to clarify the inside story and the origin of the Bible. Otherwise, the Bible would still be able to replace God’s place in people’s hearts and they could condemn and measure God’s actions based on the words in the Bible.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Bible - 55. How did the Bible take shape? What type of book is the Bible exactly?

 The Bible - 55. How did the Bible take shape? What type of book is the Bible exactly?

The Answer from God’s Word:

The things recorded in the Old Testament are Jehovah’s work in Israel, and that which is recorded in the New Testament is the work of Jesus during the Age of Grace; they document the work done by God in two different ages. The Old Testament documents the work of God during the Age of Law, and thus the Old Testament is a historical book, while the New Testament is the product of the work of the Age of Grace. When the new work began, these books became out of date—and thus, the New Testament is also a historical book. Of course, the New Testament is not as systematic as the Old Testament, nor does it record as many things.

Friday, March 1, 2019

The Bible - 54. There are many people that believe that despite the Bible being written by man, all of the words come from the Holy Spirit and are the words of God. Is this correct?

The Bible - 54. There are many people that believe that despite the Bible being written by man, all of the words come from the Holy Spirit and are the words of God. Is this correct?

The Answer from God’s Word:

Today, people believe the Bible is God, and that God is the Bible. So, too, do they believe that all the words of the Bible were the only words God spoke, and that they were all said by God. Those who believe in God even think that although all of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament were written by people, they were all given by inspiration of God, and a record of the utterances of the Holy Spirit. This is the erroneous interpretation of people, and it does not completely accord with the facts. In fact, apart from the books of prophecy, most of the Old Testament is historical record.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation
                      Mar 3, 201558

By Zhang Yitao, Henan Province

     “God, Your judgment is so real, full of righteousness and holiness. Your words are the light that reveals mankind’s corruption. Before, I believed in God but didn’t understand the truth. I didn’t know how much my rebellion grieved You. I feel shame, regret, and in debt to You, only today do I understand.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

3 Must-Knows for How to Get Out of Depression

Jan 6, 20196

     Editor’s Note: In recent years, depression has snuck into our lives, affecting more and more people. Many are tormented by this disease—some lose their hope in life and live in pain, and some even lose their courage to go on living, choosing to commit suicide to end their own lives. Why is it that people experience depression? How should we deal with it, and how can we get out of the trap of depression?

Saturday, January 5, 2019

What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

                     By Junying

     What is salvation? How can we gain salvation from God? This is an important question for every one of us and it is something we all long for; it is directly related to whether or not we can enter the kingdom of heaven. This piece we have for you today gives us an answer. Let’s come to an understanding together of what God’s salvation really is!

Friday, December 28, 2018

God’s Word Is My Strength
By Jingnian, Canada

     I have followed my family’s belief in the Lord since I was a child, and often read the Bible and attended meetings. After I got married, I passed the gospel of the Lord Jesus on to my mother-in-law, and after my mother-in-law began believing in the Lord, she no longer lost her temper when things happened or acted entirely on her own whims in the things she did, and the relationships in our family began to improve.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Spiritual Warfare | Who Is the Obstacle on the Road to the Heavenly        Kingdom

February 26, 20185

By Meng’ai, Malaysia

    The year my husband died, I was deep in despair, and on top of that I had the added burden of raising my children. Hardship had suddenly befallen my life, but I had the love of the Lordwith me all along, and with the help of my brothers and sisters I got through this difficult time. To recompense the love of the Lord, I continued to make donations and serve the church, and have been doing so for over thirty years. In this time, I have experienced the thriving of the church and seen the glorious occasion of the spread of the gospel of the Lord Jesus.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”
                                              February 25, 201896

                                              By En Hui, Malaysia

       My name is En Hui and I’m 46 years old. I live in Malaysia, and I have been a believer in the Lord for 27 years. In October 2015, I moved to another city to take up a job. My new colleagues were all big fans of Facebook, which they used for chatting, finding new friends, and posting images. Seeing that I didn’t have a Facebook account they set one up for me, and I gradually learned how to go online and use it.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (4) - Is Keeping to the Bible Equivalent to Believing in the Lord?

Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (4) - Is Keeping to the Bible Equivalent to Believing in the Lord?

Most people in the religious world believe that the Bible is the canon of Christianity, that one must hold on to the Bible and base one's belief in the Lord entirely on the Bible, and that one cannot be called a believer if one departs from the Bible. So is a belief in the Lord and a belief in the Bible one and the same? What exactly is the relationship between the Bible and the Lord?

Thursday, December 13, 2018

What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

   What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

December 8, 2018836

By Siyuan

The Origins of Christmas

      Every year, as Christmas approaches, shops on the street arrange a dazzling display of Christmas presents, with Santa Claus and Christmas trees, and so on. Festooned in trees and on buildings there are many-colored lights, and whole cities are decorated with lanterns and colored hangings, and everywhere there is joy and excitement.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

There Is a Way to Resolve the Generation Gap (Audio Essay)

           There Is a Way to Resolve the Generation Gap (Audio Essay)

1. Entrust Your Children to God

    Brothers and sisters,

    Good day!

    Recently my relationship with my son has been particularly strained. As he has grown older, the generation gap between us has got deeper and deeper. My son is now in junior high school and I am worried that he will play games online and put off studying.