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picture of The Church of Almighty God
Question 7: You say Paul did not exalt or bear witness to the Lord Jesus. I don’t accept what you’re saying. Brother Paul wrote so many letters. Weren’t they all testimonies to the Lord Jesus?
Answer: Even though Paul wrote all those letters, he never exalted or testified about Lord Jesus. Even when he mentioned Lord Jesus, he was only using Jesus Christ’s name to testify about himself. For example, in his letters, he often said, “What Paul meant was he was serving as Lord Jesus’s apostle in order to serve God’s will, not Lord Jesus’s will.Did God up in heaven call him? No! Lord Jesus called him. Lord Jesus did not call him in the name of God; He called Paul in the name of Christ. However, Paul said, “serving God's will”. He didn’t acknowledge that Lord Jesus Christ and God were one and the same. In Paul’s letters, he always separates God and Jesus Christ. He thought that God was God and Christ was Christ. God is above Christ, only the heavenly father is the highest. We can see that Paul believed in the God of heaven, not Christ incarnate because Paul never acknowledged Jesus. Therefore, he never exalted Lord Jesus Christ as God. He never exalted or testified to the fact that Lord Jesus Chris’s words were the words of God, nor did he make people feel Lord Jesus was great and respect Him. Therefore, did Paul really believe in Christ? Was he following Christ and bearing witness to Him? No! The true nature of what Paul did is very serious! According to the words of the apostle, John, Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. ... And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist. (1Jn 4: 2-3) This passage tells us that all that fail to acknowledge that God was incarnated are anti-Christs. This is related to the fact that Paul did not believe in the God of heaven and therefore does not really believe in Christ. Therefore, as far as Jesus Christ’s works, Paul was a non-believer! Paul flew the “serving God’s will and serving as Jesus Christ’s apostle” flag, and exalted and established himself everywhere. He always wanted equal standing with Lord Jesus Christ. This fully shows that Paul was too ambitious. He did not fear or obey Lord Jesus in the slightest. His true nature: a hatred of God and resistance to the truth, never changed. This is even more proof of how Paul never really changed.
Paul did works and spread the gospel for many years, but he never preached or beared witness to Jesus Christ’s words. We also never saw Paul talk about the truths espoused by Lord Jesus, despite the many churches he traveled to. We really doubt how many of Lord Jesus’s words are in Paul’s heart. Therefore, we are sure that Paul did not pursue the truth because he did not focus on experiencing Lord Jesus Christ’s words, nor did he implement Lord Jesus’s words. Instead, he spread the gospel based on grace, human behavior, human knowledge and human ability How was he someone that pursued the truth? No wonder he never acknowledged, truly loved or truly obeyed Jesus. Even after working for many years, his old ways never changed. Instead, he became more and more arrogant and self-centered. He established himself through labor; he made people serve and revere him. Then he tried to use that as qualifications for making a deal with God. It is just as Paul himself once said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: From now on there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness….” (2Ti 4:7-8) This sentence clearly explains Paul’s motive for his many years of work: rewards, the crown. From the beginning to the end, Paul never pursued the truth; he never sought to change his disposition. The objective he pursued had nothing to do with changing his satanic nature. The path he traveled was that of the Pharisees. This proves that he never truly repented. Lord Jesus called Paul to give him a chance to repent and to tell him to spread the gospel. The fact that Lord Jesus was able to conquer Paul, someone with a demonic nature, proves that He is almighty and shows us that He can get anyone to serve Him.
from the movie script of Stinging Memories
Read more: The Christians of The Church of Almighty God pray to the name of Almighty God.
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