Saturday, May 11, 2019

Religious Persecution - The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation" (6) - How Christians Respond to the CCP's "Family Bait"

Religious Persecution - Exchange: Account of an Interrogation" (6) - How Christians Respond to the CCP's "Family Bait"

When the CCP does not meet with success in its attempts to force Christians to forsake God through their cruel torture and brainwashing and conversion, they then exploit their family members as bait to test them.Faced with these lowly tricks, how do Christians stand firm and righteous, refuting them? And what admonition do they have to give?

1.Christian Movie Clip (5) - Ultimately Who Is Breaking Up Christians' Families?

2.Persecution of The Church of Almighty God Was Unveiled at UN. Why CCP Persecutes Religious Beliefs?

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