Showing posts with label Almighty God's words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God's words. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Word of the Holy Spirit | "The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man"

Almighty God says, "You should know that, when My work is expanded, I will scatter you, and I will smite you, just as Jehovah smote each of the tribes of Israel. All this will be done in order to spread My gospel throughout the earth, and to spread My work into the Gentile nations, so that My name may be magnified by adults and children alike, and My holy name exalted in the mouths of people from all tribes and nations. In this final era, I will have My name magnified among the Gentile nations, cause My deeds to be seen by the Gentiles, that they may call Me the Almighty on account of My deeds, and make it so that My words may soon come to pass. I will make all people know that I am not only the God of the Israelites, but also the God of all the nations of the Gentiles, even those that I have cursed. I will let all people see that I am the God of all creation. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work to be fulfilled in the last days."

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | The Church of Almighty God


Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered. After so many years of a life of foster care, young Wenya felt lonely and helpless, and longed for the warmth of a home. Only when her father and stepmother divorced did she return to her father's side, and from then on had a home, for better or for worse.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation | A Battle Between Justice and Evil (Official Trailer) | Eastern Lightning

Jiang Xinyi is a regional leader of the Church of Almighty God in a particular area in China. She loves the truth and has a sense of righteousness. She has received Almighty God's work of the last days for more than ten years. She understands that only Christ is the truth, the way and the life and that only Christ of the last days, Almighty God can save mankind, free them from sin and guide them onto the right path of human life. As a result, she follows God steadfastly, spreads the gospel and bears witness to God. However, the atheistic government of the Chinese Communist Party persistently captures and persecutes Christians. Jiang Xinyi and a few co-workers had been monitored and followed by the Chinese Communist government for three months.