Question 4: Religious pastors and elders often explain the words of man in the Bible, especially the words of Paul, rather than spread the words of the Lord or discuss the intentions of the Lord Jesus. This is a fact. But there is still something I don’t understand. Isn’t all scripture inspired by God? Isn’t everything in the Bible the word of God? Why do you have to distinguish the words of man and the words of God in the Bible so clearly? Aren’t all the words of man in the Bible inspired by God?
Answer: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” Just who said this, do you know? Did God say it or did man say it? On what basis do you say “All scripture is given by inspiration of God”? “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” This was not said by Jehovah God, or by the Lord Jesus or by the Holy Spirit, but by Paul. Paul is not Christ; he is just a corrupted human being. How could he know that all scripture is inspired by God? Whether or not the Bible is inspired by God is something only God knows. Only Christ can answer this question clearly, because man does not know at all and cannot see through to these things. The Bible began when Moses wrote Genesis, and it was at least 1,000 years later that the Lord Jesus began His work. Paul did not know any of the authors of the Scripture at all. How could he know that the words of those people were inspired by God? Were those authors able to tell Paul: that their words were all inspired by God? This shows that what Paul said has no basis in fact whatsoever! What he said was only his personal knowledge of the Bible. He didn’t represent the Lord Jesus and moreover didn’t represent the Holy Spirit. This is the truth! Just based on these words of Paul, religious pastors and elders determine that all words in the Bible are inspired by God and are all the word of God. This completely contravenes historical fact! In the apostolic age, after the letters of the apostles were passed on to the church, everyone would have said that they were the words of the apostles, the words of Brother Paul. No one would have said that these words were inspired by God or that they were the words of the Lord Jesus. Even Paul himself would not have dared to say that his words were God’s words, or that they were inspired by God, and much less that he talked on behalf of the Lord Jesus. Therefore, the phrase “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” simply cannot stand! “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” was only said by Paul alone, and it’s only referring to the Old Testament, and yet people all believe it. Why can people believe this statement from Paul? Would they believe it had someone else made this statement? This is sufficient to prove that people believe in Paul too blindly and worship Paul. Anything said by Paul is thought to be God’s words. Isn’t this man’s notions and imaginations? This completely reveals that there is only Paul in man’s hearts and not the Lord Jesus. They are all people who worship man and follow man, rather than people who fear the Lord and exalt the Lord.
from the movie script of Break Through the Snare
The Books from The Church of Almighty God: Help you to know Almighty God.
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