Showing posts with label Almighty God’s Salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God’s Salvation. Show all posts

Friday, November 24, 2017

65 I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Eastern lightning | The Church of Almighty God | christian

Picture of The Church of Almighty God

I Have Received Almighty God’s Great Salvation

Wang Shouzhen

Qixia City, Shandong Province

My name is Wang Shouzhen. I had followed the Lord Jesus for more than ten years and was once a co-worker in the “Local Church.” Before I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, I often heard my leaders say, “The ‘Eastern Lightning’ is from a false Christ, a deceiver. They preach the gospel for money. If one is deceived and joins them, he has to sell his house and land and submit to them…”

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Soul Searching | Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories” | Eastern Lightning

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s salvation of the last days came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate | Eastern Lightning

28 Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

Gao Jun    Hebei Province
The Church of Almighty God , Almighty God's Salvation,  Gospel,
Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate | Eastern Lightning
My name is Gao Jun. I’m 52 years old. I’ve followed Almighty God for fourteen years. Before I believed in God, I did business in the world and was often busy giving dinners or sending gifts and socializing. Every day I went in and out of places of entertainment such as the KTVs and the gambling houses…. My wife quarreled with me constantly because of that, and finally she was so angry that she would divorce me and left home. However, I had sunk in the mire and was unable to extricate myself at that time. I tried hard to maintain my family but couldn’t make it, feeling it very miserable and tiring to live. In June, 1999, Almighty God’s salvation came upon us.